Saturday, April 28, 2007

Art Theory & Practice - Lino cut portrait

I started fiddling with an old photo in Photoshop and came up with something that I will use as the basis of the design for the required Lino cut portrait. We were required to do a proper process, however I haven't been as exact as I should have been.

I have decided to do several projects for VACC on Michael, my eldest son. He turns 16 soon and he has always taken up more attention than his little brother. I expect it is because he is the first and the eldest. I think I need to express some of my feelings, emotions regarding Michael and doing it through several art projects isn't a bad way to do so. The photo that I'm using for this lino cut design is of him at approx 2 1/2. It was at this age I started to notice some of his more unusual behaviours. This is where I will start my projects.

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